Raising A Mathematician Training Program

Raising A Mathematician Foundation

A Mathematics Talent Program for High School Students

Objective: To search and mentor young Mathematical talent (age group 13-15) in the country. Guide them to hone their skills and thinking by giving them the right tools.

Mathematics is an important subject which helps in logical thinking and improves the reasoning-ability of a student. The current global scenario demands individuals to analyze all the possibilities to solving a problem and derive a decision based on the same. Mathematics similarly, enables students to approach situations from different angles and dig out the best possible solution.

The present structure of spotting young mathematical talent is by conducting examinations. And the guidance provided to the many talented students lasts only till the examination hall and does not facilitate a continuous learning. Therefore the learning process remains incomplete, scraping only through the surface of their real potential.

With Raising A Mathematician (RAM), we aim at…

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